Workshop at INLG 2020, Dublin

Workshop: Discourse theories for text planning

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (3 pages including references), related to all aspects of text planning from a linguistic, theoretical and computational point of view. Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following issues:

computational models of text planning
corpus annotation of text structures and its interaction with information structure, discourse relations, dialogue goals etc.
formal approaches to pragmatics and their relation to issues of text planning

Submisssion is made via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dt4tp.

In order to foster the exchange of ideas, we intend a kind of semi-shared task for this workshop: We will provide a small corpus of annotated texts to be generated and a paper that addresses the workshop task so that each workshop speaker does not only present his/her own research, but outlines his or her own ideas on generating these texts. The analysis of one and the same texts from different theoretical perspectives should shed light on the pros and cons of using various theory-driven approaches to text planning. We will make the data available after the submission of the abstracts.

The workshop shall be of interest for linguists who are working at the interface of pragmatics and computational linguistics and people in the NLG community with an interest in linguistic theories of text organization.